Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Alfred Stieglitz

1) Alfred Stieglitz was a american photographer. He had a great impact on the world of photography, not with just his photos but for being a dicoverer and promoter of photographers.

I love this photo by Stieglitz because, it caputure the world in the water and it is beautiful in doing so.

3) Alfred was in a relationship with Georgia O'Keeffe,who was a famous modern painter.

Brownie Camera

1) The brownie camera is the name of inecpensive cameras by Kodak.
2) Eastman Kodak
3) It introduced the concept of snapshot, was the first "point and shoot" camera. Made photographers realize that you don't need a expensive camera to take a good photo.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Photo homework

1.The daguerrotype is a direct positive picture. The surface of the photo is like a mirror,it as also popular in the renaissance. It replace people using camera obscura.
2. First form of creting a picture on paper from a negative. The albumens main ingredient is egg whites. It dies out on the turn of the 20th century.
3. A stereograph projects a sphere onto a plane. It is still popular now.
4. Carte de Visite was a small photograph. It was used as the first pocket photograph.
5. Matthew Brady and Aexander Gardner were both know for their portraits of celebrities.
Matthew Brady was a celebrated 19th century photographers. They were both active in the 19th century.